TABLE I. Testing and inspection - Continued.
1. When Ec2 is greater than 330 V dc, Rg1 shall not exceed 0.5 Meg. When Ec2 is less than 330 V dc, Rg1 shall
not exceed 1.5 Meg.
2. A limiting aperture type of gun shall be used. The amount of limiting permitted shall be between 15 percent and 45 percent
when Ib = 200 A dc and the secondary electron current from the screen to the limiting aperture is zero.
3. The distance between the center of the unfocused, undeflected spot at low intensity (Ec1 near cutoff) and the center of the
image of the masking aperture observed at high intensity of the unfocused, undeflected spot shall not exceed the limit
specified. Ec1 should not be held at zero for more than approximately 30 seconds to prevent damage to the screen.
4. This test to be performed at the conclusion of the holding period.
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