1. This test to be performed at the conclusion of the holding period.
2. The deflecting plates shall be returned to anode No. 2 through a minimum of 2.5 megohm resistors. The light output shall be
set at 5 fL. The high frequency scanning shall be applied to the deflecting plates nearest the screen and the amplitude shall be
adjusted to give a line length of approximately 90 percent of the maximum tube diameter. The low frequency scanning
amplitude shall be expanded to approximately 90 percent of the maximum tube diameter in the direction perpendicular to the
direction of high frequency scanning. Readjustment may be made for best overall focus.
The tubes shall be observed for deflection defocusing, astigmatism or spot ellipticity observable to the eye as evidenced
by fuzziness due to lack of sharpness of trace (usually around edges) bow-tying (irregular widths of any single line when
observed at different points) bowing of trace other than that normally caused by curvature of bulb.
This test for focus is to be made in addition to the line width measurements.
3. The same conditions shall be set up as described in note 2 except that the connection of deflecting elements to the low and
high frequency scanning supplies shall be interchanged and the amplitudes adjusted to 90 percent of the maximum tube
diameter in both directions without any adjustment of focus from note 2 conditions. An examination for defocusing, astigmatism
or spot ellipticity shall be made as in note 2.