TABLE I. Testing and inspection - Continued.
The anode circuit constants shall be chosen so that at epy = 25.0 kv under resonant charging conditions; ib = 1,000 a
minimum; rate of rise of dik/dt shall be 5,000 a/µs minimum; tp = 5.0 ± 10 percent µs; prr = 500 minimum. Grid pulse
measured at tube socket with thyratron grid disconnected: tr = 0.35 µs minimum; tp = 2.0 µs maximum; internal impedance of
driver: 75 ohms minimum.
During every 96-hour period, the life test shall be shut off for a minimum of 30 minutes.
This test shall be conducted within 60 seconds after the operation (1) test.
The tube shall operate satisfactorily on push-button starting within three attempts when the epy is applied to the tube under
test in such a manner as to rise from 0 to 24 kv minimum within 0.04 second. (The filter in the rectifier shall be designed so
that the epy reaches at least 9.0 kv within 0.015 second.) Any tube failing to start within three attempts will be considered a
The tube shall be capable of operating under the following conditions:
Apply cathode heater voltage and adjust reservoir voltage to 105 percent of the optimum value and allow both cathode
and reservoir to warmup for 15 minutes.
Raise anode voltage directly to the specified voltage at the rate of not less than 30 kv per minute.
The tube shall operate at the specified anode voltage for a total of 60 minutes which may include one interruption. A total
of six interruptions at any anode voltage is permitted provided that the total test time required to perform the operation
test does not exceed 120 minutes.
No anode or grid voltage other than that required for an instantaneous start test shall have been applied to the tube for a
minimum period of 2 hours prior to this test.
Type 7390A only.
The temperature indicator shall be such that a green field is visible in the indicator window when the tube is operating
properly within its ratings and a red field indicated when conditions exist that produce deleterious anode hearing.
During operation (1A), the thermometer shall indicate the green background throughout the test, and the dividing line
between the green and red zones shall be at least .188 inch (4.77 mm) to the right of the pointer at the center of the
Any external forced-air cooling of the tube shall be directed on the tube in such a manner that it will not affect the
calibration of the temperature indicator.
Measure the voltage between grid and cathode not more than 2.5 µs maximum after the beginning of the current pulse. The
average voltage shall not rise during the last 4.0 µs.
This test shall be conducted within 60 seconds after the operation (1A) test.
The tube shall be capable of operating at the following conditions:
Apply cathode heater voltage and adjust reservoir voltage to 95 percent of the optimum reservoir voltage and allow both
to warmup for 15 minutes.
Raise anode voltage directly to the specified voltage at a rate of not less than 30 kv per minute.
The tube shall operate at the specified anode voltage for a total of 60 minutes which may include one interruption. A total
of six interruptions at any anode voltage is permitted provided that the total test time required to perform the operation
test does not exceed 120 minutes.
During the interval between 2 and 60 minutes of the anode delay time test, the Ćtad relative to the tad value observed on the
anode delay time shall not exceed the specified value.
Tube shall be vibrated as described for 2 hours each in the vertical direction, in the horizontal direction parallel to the heater
connections, and in the horizontal direction perpendicular to the heater connections. After shock and vibration tests, the tube
shall meet all the conformance inspection, part 1 and part 2, test requirements except the provisions of 19/. An aging period
not to exceed 1 hour is permitted after mechanical tests.
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